Christian Faith
To encourage learning about Christian faith, children are taught about God and His love through the Center's atmosphere and daily activities, including Bible stories, prayers, music, and daily conversations. Christian values, such as sharing and kindness, are incorporated into daily planning and guidance techniques.

Learning Environments
Early learning experiences are critical for a child's development. The curriculum of Faith Child Care is designed to align with the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards and to provide learning experiences which enhance every aspect of a child's spiritual, intellectual, physical, social and emotional growth. Goals set for weekly learning opportunities are based on the current needs of the children in each room.

Classrooms are arranged with equipment and materials appropriate for the ages of the children in each room based on the Environment Rating Scales (ITERS and ECERS). Once the children reach the toddler rooms, classrooms are arranged in learning centers such as blocks, dramatic play, sensory table, small manipulative materials, creative art, science, literacy and music areas.

Commitment to Wellness
Our staff believes that teaching children the importance of healthy food choices and daily physical activity will instill life-long habits toward wellness.

Faith Child Care follows the Department of Public Instruction guidelines of Healthy Bites-a Wisconsin guide for improving childhood nutrition and Active Early-a Wisconsin guide for improving childhood physical activity.
Menus and food choices provided are reviewed by the Department of Public Instruction to ensure compliance with the USDA CACFP (Child and Adult Care Food Program).

Teacher-led physical activities are provided at least thirty minutes per day and child-initiated unstructured physical activity is provided at least thirty minutes per day for a total of sixty to ninety minutes per day. Outdoor play is offered twice daily, weather permitting. When weather prohibits outdoor play, additional active play opportunities are offered in the classroom.